Mumbai Dreams Now and How...

 “We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming - well, that’s like saying you can never change your   fate.” 

With Each passing stroll in the narrow and broad routes of Mumbai, there always rises that dream nurtured by the ever addictive air of this unpredictable city. Every eye holds that sparkle to twinkle with grandeur and amazement. There is more often than not , an infinite flow of zeal to exist with exuberance.
The early Mumbai sun rises with 25 million pair of eyes wanting to rise and rise big. The rays from the horizon always tries to sprinkle that glitter which evolves dreamers and not just exist-ers in the arm of the city.
With humongous hardships the souls wander all day, figuring out a niche to carve in the enigmatic atmosphere of the city. The city indeed is an unique architecture marvel as its not build of man made constructions, it is built with that rock of tenacity which makes it the city where enchanted humans thrive.
The only place in the galaxy where peace meets pandemonium, agony meets inner happiness, competition meets brotherhood. Every stone is the stepping stone not maybe to success but definitely to triumph.
Mediocrity seems absent even in the minutest atom as each ones born with enormous strength to achieve or portray something which probably the ancient Greeks would try and do.

Every step takes us closer to the myriad colors of life. There's a sense of truckload of positivism intertwined with supreme alacrity. Humans are meant to be dreaming souls, but Mumbaikars are meant to be soulful dreamers. Each spot of breath is talking of a dream unfulfilled, a dream unconquered and every step ahead is an attempt to vanquish the unfulfilled existence. 'Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you' is a quote which aptly defines the indefatigable uprising of the city dwellers.

I always get amazed at how swift the built up in temperament is.Although life has not been that kind so far, it was never meant to be kind in perpetuity. The moment I have a desire to give up, I just stand or halt right in the middle of a busy street and look around. That one gaze gives the mind more power than any motivational speech would. Each person is screaming to the moon and beyond and making me believe that this land was never meant for bystanders, it was meant for runners; runners of will ; runners of strength ; runners of belief...


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