The Juice that said it all...

Gulping down the last available sip, it was hard to make myself believe that it took me so many years to have a perfect juice and at a place which was purely accidental if not incidental. It just about tasted as a perfect balance of fruits, dry fruits and sugar if any. It was not surely the traditional fruit punk we have at the best of places. It was a sudden move of heart to watch a movie named 'Filmistaan' at Regal. As I have a knack of reaching early at places which don't weigh you by your punctuality instincts, I reached early yet again. I would seldom reach on time on places of judgement though. We decided to strut around in search of some good pre movie snack, as am not all pro-Regal when it comes to eating as it just about deposits enough oil in your tummy to deposit a reservoir. Opposite McDonalds there is juice Centre named Canteena, I have passed this place umpteen times but never could gather enough will to order a juice. One of my friends decided to or...